Tuesday, March 29, 2011

buttercream frosting and royal icing

© 2011 Kristina Ilickovic

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Chocolate cake and chocolate decoration

© 2011 Kristina Ilickovic

Piano cake - Klavir torta

This Piano cake was made of 3 layers of white cake filled with French vanilla cream.

Roses on the piano cake are made of gum paste.

The black piano cake was decorated with mm fondant. I made black fondant by mixing Wilton's food color in warm melted marshmallows, then I added powdered sugar. If I only had time to steam it it would have that beautiful shine.

© 2011 Kristina Ilickovic

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Homemade Marshmallow Fondant recipe

This homemade MM Fondan recipe is very easy to use and easy to make.


16 ounces white mini-marshmallows(use a good quality brand)

3 tablespoons water

2 pounds powdered sugar (for the best results use C&H Cane Powdered Sugar)

2-5 tablespoons Crisco shortening.


Note: Please be careful, this first stage can get hot.

Melt marshmallows and 2 tablespoons of water in a microwave or double boiler. To microwave, place the bowl in the microwave for 30 seconds, open the microwave and stir, back in the microwave for 30 seconds more, open the microwave and stir again, and continue doing this until melted. It usually takes about 2 1/2 minutes in total.

Place 3/4 of the powdered sugar on top of the melted marshmallow mix.

Grease your hands GENEROUSLY, then grease the counter you will be using and dump the bowl of marshmallow/sugar mixture in the middle.

Start kneading like you would bread dough adding the rest of the powdered sugar. Knead some more to get a firm smooth elastic ball so that it will stretch without tearing when you apply it to the cake.

It is best to let it sit overnight by coating it with a good layer of Crisco shortening, wrap in a plastic-type wrap product, and then putting it in a re-sealable or Ziploc bag. Squeeze out as much air as possible. You can use it right away if there are no tiny bits of dry powdered sugar.

MM Fondant icing will hold very well in the refrigerator for weeks.

                           Domaci Marshmallow Fondan

Ovo je smjesa za oblaganje i dekorisanje torti koja se lako sprema i koristi.


450 g (16oz) mini marshmallow bijeli
1 kg najfinijeg secera u prahu
3 kasike vode
2-5 kasika biljne masti( ja sam koristila Crisco shortening)
boje za hranu po izboru
gustina (corn starch) za posipanje radne povrsine.


Obavjestenje: budite jako oprezni dok radite sa vrucom smjesom.

U plasticni sud koji moze u mikrotalasnu sipati vodu i marshmallow na 2 min, uz povremeno otvaranje i mijesanje drvenom varjacom.

Kad je marshmallow skroz otopljen i dobro izmjesan i sjedinjen, dodavati postepeno secer u prahu i dalje mijesati varjacom (jer je vruce, oprezno da se ne izgorite).

Zato sto je jako lepljiva masa, dodavanjem secera u prahu ta ce se lepljivost smanjiti a rukavice ili ruke lagano namazati sa Criscom to jest mascu, zatim zamijesiti rukama kao tijesto kad mijesite, da masa bude kompaktna, mekana i elasticna. Malo secera treba da vam ostane za kasnije mijesanje sa bojama.

Fondan namazati sa mascu obmotati plasticnom folijom i staviti u plasticnu kesu dobro zatvorenu da ne ulazi vazduh (da se fondant ne susi) i ostaviti na par sati da odmori, ja obicno spremim dan ranije.

© 2011 Kristina Ilickovic

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cupcakes decoration collages

"wild garden"

"polka dots"

"field of flowers"

© 2011 Kristina Ilickovic